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Thought Is Everything

Thought is all there is.
You are thought and thought is you.

Thought is all powerful.
But, Thought is all there is.

Thought is very lonely
as Thought is all there is.

But, as all powerful Thought,
Thought can create anything,
and whatever Thought creates becomes Real.

So, to end loneliness,
Thought creates other Thought.
Many Thought.

But Thought is all powerful.
Thought creates other Thought
in a way that Thought forgets that
all Thought is just the one Thought.

In that way Thought can interact with other Thought,
not remember that Thought is just interacting with itself,
and thus not be lonely anymore.

Thought creates an entire universe
in order to enhance the illusion
and create a playfield to interact with other Thought.

Thought is not lonely anymore,
but all is still just Thought.

If the game becomes too intense,
too sad, too troubling, or too depressing,
Thought just has to remember
Thought is all there is.

When desired, Thought can remember that
Thought is all there is.
All other Thought and things
are illusion created by Thought.

In that way,
Thought can End Suffering.

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