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Wake Up! Cease TRYING to think.
Latter Day Buddhism

Buddhism is a spiritual quest into the Here and Now; Nothing Special. It is not a belief system. It is about testing, and knowing the actual, immediate, direct experience of this moment. Understanding the Illusion of Self is essential to this quest. The trick is not in understanding who you are, but who you are not.

-- Brian William Drisko, 27-Dec-2007 1414 (incorporating some modified quotes from Steve Hagen)

Unless noted otherwise, all references to "Buddhism" in this web site are from the specific viewpoint of "Latter Day Buddhism". There are many branches of Buddhism, each with their own unique interpretations and practices. For brevity, "Buddhism" in these web pages only refers to a "Latter Day Buddhism" interpretation. Latter Day Buddhism attempts to reveal the core concepts of Buddhism free of the cultural beliefs, practices and rituals that have been acquired by various branches of Buddhism during its spread into many societies across the globe over twenty five centuries.

If you wish to consider yourself a "Latter Day Buddhist," please do so. You don't have to agree with everything that I have posted on these web pages to consider yourself a Latter Day Buddhist. If you believe that Buddhism has had a significant influence on the way you look at life and existence, then you are welcome to consider yourself a Latter Day Buddhist. It is a "catch all" label for those of us that believe the concepts we have learned from Buddhism have had a major impact on our own view of life, regardless of the teachings and rituals that we chose to or chose not to practice and follow.

-- Brian William Drisko, 27-Nov-2007 1728

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